Koučovací kavárna je online prostor pro setkání a společnou diskusi nad tématy spojenými s lidským potenciálem a jeho uvolňováním.
Coach Café is meant as a space for anybody who is interested in people potential and would like to meet and discuss. I like the idea of a café or pub where a group of friends from the “club” meet and chat over coffee or other drinks:-).
I do not mean “business or lecture” meeting, just a free chat about anything connected with selected topic.
Jednotlivé akce budou s předstihem inzerovány a jsou zdarma.
All events are announced at least two weeks before their start and they are free of charge.
Chcete ochutnávku? Podívejte se, jak probíhala koučovací kavárna 3.6.2021, na které Jeffrey Lipsius hovořil na téma Inner Game of Selling.
As a teaser you can watch Coach Café with Jeffrey Lipsius, Inner Game of Selling from 3.6.2021.